Brain fog

What is brain fog?

Brain fog is a collection of symptoms related to decreased cognitive function, such as:

In essence, your brain doesn't feel as sharp as it normally does.

What causes brain fog?

There are many potential causes, including:

How can you treat brain fog naturally?

Before trying medications, consider making lifestyle and dietary changes like:

When to see a doctor about brain fog

See your doctor if lifestyle changes don't help within 2-4 weeks. Unexplained and persisting brain fog could signal an underlying illness needing medical treatment.

Your doctor can run tests to check for potential causes like food sensitivities, hormone imbalance, autoimmune disease, migraines, sleep apnea, ADHD, depression, thyroid dysfunction, and more.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of brain fog - its symptoms, causes, and both natural and medical treatment options available. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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