Chronic fatigue

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent feelings of tiredness, weakness, and exhaustion that are not relieved by rest. The key defining symptom is severe fatigue lasting for 6 months or longer, along with other symptoms like muscle pain, sore throat, headaches, poor sleep, difficulty thinking or concentrating, and more.

Some key things to know about chronic fatigue:

Now let's dive deeper into some key aspects of this complex disorder:

What Causes Chronic Fatigue?

The specific causes are still unknown. Current theories include:

Chronic Fatigue Diagnosis and Testing

Since the symptoms are common and nonspecific, diagnosis involves:

There are no definitive diagnostic tests yet, so diagnosis is made clinically based on symptom history after excluding other conditions. Ongoing research is working to better define diagnostic markers.

Take control of your fatigue. Schedule a consultation today!

Treatments That Can Help

While there is no universal cure, various treatments can help relieve symptoms:

With an individualized treatment plan, many patients see gradual improvement over time. Support groups can also help people feel less alone. While challenging, chronic fatigue is manageable with the right strategies.

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