Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is a medical condition characterized by porous and brittle bones that are more susceptible to fractures. This happens when the body removes more bone tissue than it replaces over time.

Some key points about decreased bone density:

"As we get older, our risk of decreased bone density increases. But with proactive steps, we can keep our bones healthier for longer."

Supplementation with doctor-prescribed bioidentical hormones provided by Hormone Solutions can also help prevent and treat bone loss in aging adults. Their certified practitioners carefully evaluate patients' hormone levels and craft customized treatment plans using FDA-approved hormone preparations like estrogen, testosterone, DHEA which are expertly formulated and dispensed onsite.

Patients undergoing hormone therapy at Hormone Solutions report increased bone mineral density, energy levels, lean muscle mass, mood, and libido within months. Their cutting edge therapies not only slow bone loss but help patients feel healthier, youthful and empowered to actively enjoy life.

So don't wait until a fracture occurs to address decreased bone density or troublesome menopause symptoms. Contact Hormone Solutions today for a free 15-minute phone consultation with a hormone specialist. Investing in evidence-based hormone therapy is investing in your vitality and quality of life.

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