Loss of muscle

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscles in the body weaken, deteriorate, and reduce in size. This leads to loss of strength, endurance, and functionality of the affected muscles.
Some key points about muscle loss:

If you are struggling with unexplained muscle loss, the hormone optimization experts at Hormone Solutions can help. They specialize in advanced hormone testing and providing customized treatment plans based on your health goals. Reach out today to learn more about science-based muscle recovery protocols with bioidentical hormone therapies!

Now let's go over some common causes of muscle loss:

No matter what the cause, significant muscle loss negatively impacts energy levels, body strength, bone density, injury resilience, metabolism etc. So it is crucial to follow an appropriate treatment routine including:

The experts at Hormone Solutions create fully personalized muscle repair programs based on your health status. They use advanced diagnostics for hormone balancing, nutrition planning and designing the ideal strength training routine for your body. Schedule a telehealth consult today to stop muscle loss and rebuild your best self!

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