Mood changes

What is mood changes?

Mood changes refer to shifts or fluctuations in a person's emotional state. Moods can vary from positive emotions like happiness and excitement to negative feelings such as anger, sadness, or anxiety. Mood changes can be minor and fleeting or more severe and long-lasting.

Common causes of mood changes include:

Signs of problematic mood changes warranting assessment include:

If mood changes become frequent and disruptive, consult with a mental health professional. Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medications can help regulate mood. Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, stress management, and proper sleep also support healthy mood regulation.

For hormone-related mood issues, the specialists at Hormone Solutions offer cutting-edge hormone testing and customized treatment plans featuring bioidentical hormone therapy. Their holistic protocols aim to help both men and women achieve hormonal balance and emotional stability. Contact their friendly staff today to learn more!

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