Poor sleep quality

Poor sleep quality refers to sleep that is not restful or restorative. It can involve difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking during the night, early morning waking, and not feeling refreshed upon waking.
Some key signs of poor sleep quality include:

What causes poor sleep quality?

Some common causes include:

What are the consequences of poor sleep quality?

The effects of poor sleep are wide-ranging. A lack of quality sleep can negatively impact:

How can you improve poor sleep quality?

Some tips for better quality sleep include:

Our integrative providers offer customized treatment plans that may include bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition planning, and lifestyle changes to help patients achieve restful sleep.

We also provide testing to identify deficiencies or disruptions in hormones like estrogen, testosterone, cortisol and melatonin - which all play a role in healthy sleep-wake cycles.

If you're struggling with insomnia or poor sleep, schedule a consultation at Hormone Solutions to explore science-based solutions tailored to your needs. We're dedicated to uncovering the root causes of sleep issues rather than masking them with a "one size fits all" approach.

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